BT Sport Premier League Promotion
Signs photographed hanging on pubs to advertise the 2015 coverage of the Premier League football in all of the literature sent to every sports viewing venue in the UK. It was one of their most successful advertising campaigns to date. Each design had to be approved by the celebrities pictured, BT Sport and Ogilvy, so the design process was lengthy.
Gareth Bale was presented with his sign at the end of the campaign, and he has it hanging in his home. Jose Mourinho (The Coach) was particularly pleased with his portrait, as he said it made him look 10 years younger.
Ceramic Decoration
Wood Engraving
Wood engraving is the art of incising a design onto small blocks of boxwood end grain for the purpose of printing. It is an ancient art and tricky to master. The small scale of the blocks requires intense concentration, and the design must be carved in reverse, so that the print comes out the right way round.
Pullman Crest
The Pullman brand is synonymous with luxury rail travel, and all of their locomotives and coaches are branded with their Crest. The original artwork that the crest is reproduced from has been lost, so they commissioned me to decipher the very blurry reference they had and paint a new version of it for all future applications. It’s an honour to be associated with such an iconic brand, and a feather in the cap for traditional sign painting. I get a kick out of knowing that my artwork will adorn Pullman trains for years to come.
Crab and Lobster
Designed and painted on the wall as part of the transformation of the Golden Lion Port Isaac into the Crab and Lobster for the filming of the TV show Doc Martin.